The PEPPM (Pennsylvania Education Purchasing Program for Microcomputers) Contract is a national technology bidding and purchasing program for schools, agencies and libraries. Panasonic Solutions Company holds the CA PEPPM contract direct, but fulfills through numerous authorized reseller partners such as PCS Mobile. All State, Local, County, Municipality, Higher Education, K-12, Private Schools, and other customers across all 50 States are encouraged to cooperatively purchase through this contract. (Valid through December 31, 2021).
Applicable products
- Panasonic TOUGHBOOK© computers
- TOUGHBOOK© Arbitrator 360° mobile digital video system
- Professional flat-panel displays, projectors and professional video equipment
- Related accessories and services
Contract discounts
Discounts vary by product category. Pricing is quantity one. However, discounts for quantities above one unit are available.
Products and contract pricing available at PEPPM National Contract Program.
How to order
- Review contract pricing and information available on this web page. Posted PEPPM prices are for a quantity of one. For quantities of any other size, please communicate directly with your Regional Sales Manager.
- If you are a first time user, verify that your organization is authorized to utilize this purchasing contract by contacting your purchasing department. Once verified, fax your Purchase Order to PEPPM at 800-636-3779.
Address the order to:
Panasonic System Communications Company of North America
c/o PCS Mobile
Suite 430, 4949 South Syracuse Street,
Denver, CO 80237
In the body of the purchase order, please include the following language: "As per PEPPM 2015".
Your order will be reviewed and edited by PEPPM Staff, and you will be contacted to make any necessary corrections. Your order will be issued to PCS Mobile within 24 hours during the business week after all necessary corrections are made.
Orders may also be placed online via Epylon.