Rugged, highly secure computing in the fieldIncreased Productivity with Rugged Devices for the Oil and Gas Industry
Rugged devices allow workers in the field to quickly and effectively communicate with supervisors and respond to potentially serious situations as well as assist with location tracking, inspections, asset management, surveying and environmental assessments. But when you’re working in some of the world’s most dangerous conditions, you need equipment that meets the highest standards of your industry. Panasonic Toughbooks® are Certified UL 1604 Class I, Division 2 for spark-free use so you and your crew are able to be more productive, more responsive and more collaborative even in the harshest environments. With features such as all-weather design, drop-resistant engineering, and daylight-viewable touch screens that make data entry and software navigation easy and reliable, workers can use their computers with complete confidence.
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Safety is one thing. Security is another. Buy devices that don’t have cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Frontline workers want Toughbooks®, for it’s powerful computing, up to 40 hours of battery life and military-caliber resistance to bumps and drops, but that’s not all that’s required. Commercial off the shelf (COTS) devices may have cybersecurity flaws or vulnerabilities and you need to keep your data secure. There are two steps to do that: get the right devices, and get the right data security.

Route1 is keenly aware of security vulnerabilities. We provide rugged technologies for the oil & gas industry, the federal government and our armed forces that are vulnerability-free. We also help them secure their data.
Panasonic Toughbooks go beyond what consumer-grade tablets, laptops, and phones can do with software solutions and have secure features that are built into the hardware itself so that sophisticated cyber-attacks that circumvent software protections are thwarted at the hardware level. But in your world, is that enough?
Secure your data
Many organizations use virtual private network (VPN) technology to keep data secure as it travels across the Internet. That may seem effective, but the problem is when that data reaches the end of its journey—a laptop, a smart phone or other mobile device. What then? What if that laptop is lost or stolen?
Password protection and encrypted hard drives only go so far in protecting proprietary data. If it’s outside of the network, that data is still at risk and a determined thief can still get at it.

MobiKEY: military-grade remote secure access
The solution? Don’t move data. Keep it within the network. Give workers in the field access to data without letting it ‘leave the building’. The way to do this is to establish an inside-out remote work session over Transport Layer Security (TLS) cryptographic protocols. This sounds more complicated than it is. It’s when an asset such as a desktop computer, laptop or virtualized computer within the network perimeter establishes a mutually authenticated TLS session with a device that is outside of the perimeter. This is the case with Route1 MobiKEY, a secure remote work device in broad use by the U.S. military, banks, and many other sectors.
Panasonic TOUGHBOOK + MobiKEY is the perfect solution for many oil & gas workers who need spark free rugged devices that work well in harsh conditions, and reliable, secure access to their data.

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